
Tourmaline is a cyclosilicate mineral. Its hardness ranges from 7-7.5 on the Mohs scale, making it slightly softer than emerald. Tourmaline occurs in several varieties and colors:

  • Achroite: Almost colorless

  • Rubellite: Pink - Red

  • Dravite: Yellow-brown to dark brown

  • Verdelite: Green

  • Indigolite: Blue

  • Siberite: lilac red to violet blue

  • Schorl: Black

Sometimes two to three different colors occur in a single stone. A well-known example is "Watermelon": red with a green border.

The value of tourmaline varies significantly by type, size and color. the Paraiba, a blue and green type, from a very limited area in Brazil is more valuable than diamonds.

Most tourmalines are mined in Brazil. They are also mined in Africa and Asia.

